With nothing to hold but a “rigging” or suitcase-like handle on a strap secured comfortably behind the horse’s front legs, the cowboy must maintain balance and control while the horse bucks and pitches. A “flank strap” is secured around the horse’s hind end which tells the animal it’s go-time!
The ride is judged on the cowboy’s spurring motion in coordination with the horse’s movement, as well as the bucking action of the animal. A rider is disqualified if he fails to have his heels touching the animal above the point of the horse’s shoulders when it makes its first jump, known as the “mark-out” rule. The rider cannot touch any part of the horse or himself during the 8-second ride. A high-scoring ride is in the high 80s or 90s out of a possible 100 points.
2024 PRCA World Champion: Dean Thompson, Altamont, UT
2024 NFR Average Champion: Dean Thompson, Altamont, UT
2024 VDRR Champion: Keenan Hayes, 90 Points on Powder River Rodeo’s Misdemeanor
VDRR Arena Record: Royce Ford, 91 Points on Powder River Rodeo’s Big Chill, 2006
This year’s Bareback Riding is sponsored by: